"HOME" offers a captivating tale, as a cast of characters enter a dilapidated house, that they once thought to be home. The sparsely decorated walls and furniture are dusted with memories and long forgotten experiences of comfort, vulnerability, and complex familial and intimate relationships. With the unique use of contemporary/modern and vertical dance, they begin to discover and unfold each intimate and traumatic recollection of the past. In order for them to cope and heal they must address each experience, leading the audience to view how sentimentality and pain collide. Will they be able to conquer the distressing nostalgia and come to a positive resolution or will they succumb to the agony?

This production utilizes collaborative choreography, led by Tony Nguyen. The performers of TwoPoint4 Dance Theatre were tasked with journaling assignments, recalling 1st person experiences, movement creation and community research showings in order to help develop the production. These research tools have allowed for an enriching narrative with authentic and diverse personal perspectives.

“HOME” & Our Community

Throughout the creation process we turned to the community by hosting 2 Community Research Sessions. During these sessions we showcased works in progress. After the showings, we asked for feedback from participants to understand their view of what was in development. Based on their feedback, we edited, cleaned or cut pieces that didn’t resonate with the overall storyline.

With “HOME”, we hope the storytelling starts the conversation about the importance of dance and how art can be a valid tool to utilize on one’s own healing journey.

HOME & Outreach

HOME & Outreach

Click the video to see how “HOME” will play a big part in our
Outreach Program!