Company Liaison
William McCray joined Twopoint4 as a performer in its first year (2013). He has been trained in various forms of street styles, and has spent some time training with industry professionals. In this time, he had the pleasure to train in west african forms, and has begun to gain knowledge in the ballroom scene. Nope, not the technical partner dancing. He was introduced to contemporary movement working as a guest performer in The Doorway, presented by Core. This later transitioned into contemporary modern movement when joining this company, and he hasn’t left! This very quickly became a home for the artistic side of life, and he has worked with company members to choreograph and help coordinate most of the Twopoint4 productions.
He has been teaching teenagers about hip hop at Hawkins School of Performing Arts since 2013, and now instructs performance classes at AMPed Dance and Fitness.
His experience working in corporate America has helped in the transition to the administrative role of operations director. He hopes to keep the company members communicating, and to ensure that company leadership stays on track.
To be honest, I am not a big foodie, but I would say that I can always appreciate a good pear or watermelon slice. No extra stuff. Just the fruit. I like fruit.
I play kickball, Runway, sing, and for now…Pokemon Go
It generally moves like water.
“You are totally right. Keep it movin’, and you’ll be prepared for all of it.”