Dacia Biletnikoff


Graduating from London Contemporary Dance School, The Place, Dacia Biletnikoff trained with faculty from Batsheva, NDT, Random Dance Company, and DV8 Dance Theatre. She furthered her discovery in choreography and improvisation at Leggere Strutture, directed by Brigel Gjoka, in Italy. Here she worked with dancers and directors of the William Forsythe Company and Ultima Vez/Wim Vandekeybus. She proceeded into working with CaraBDanza in Spain for a season to then travel to the United States where she began her work in solo performing. Through this, she has been fortunate to make connections with Capacitor and Two Point Four Dance Theatre. Here she has continued to grow physically through suspended and structural dance works that have broadened her view of the capabilities movement art has to offer. In her pursuit to further her education about the psychological aspects of sports and performing arts, she will be graduating with her MS in Sports Psychology in the Fall of 2023. To then pursue her PhD in clinical psychology, in hopes to bridge the gap in how we can cultivate the whole athlete to enhance the longevity of an athletic career that is sustainable.